Conversations about finances aren’t exactly romantic, and budgeting can be a touchy subject, especially when you have different views about spending and saving. Before discussing how you’ll handle your bills […]
CRITICAL ELEMENTS OF AN ESTATE STRATEGY ____ Taking steps to help protect your estate is a key financial choice. With appropriate strategies, you may be able to maximize your opportunities […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 8/15/24 Diamond State Financial Group (DSFG) names James Baker Field Director NEWARK, Del., August 15, 2024 – Diamond State Financial Group (DSFG) has named James Baker, CFP® as […]
A significant demographic shift is underway: baby boomers are entering retirement, millennials are reaching their peak earning year s, and birth rates are declining. This highlights what French philosopher Auguste […]
Estate planning is critical for protecting your interests during your lifetime and preserving your legacy after you’re gone. An estate planning strategy helps to ensure that important legal documents, including […]
Leaving a lasting legacy for multiple generations is a goal many wealthy families share. However, studies estimate that 70% of families will lose their wealth by the second generation and […]
Throughout previous stages of life, you might have become accustomed to keeping your financial matters fairly close to the chest. Now, however, would be a good time to start involving […]
Retiring before 65, whether by design or dictated by circumstance, is a reality for many Americans. And health insurance for these early retirees’ is often more costly than they think—and a […]
Many of us were surprised to read about a change to the real estate industry that may have far-reaching implications for future home buyers. The National Association of Realtors, representing […]
Markets hate uncertainty, and what’s more uncertain than primary season of an election year? But the volatility is often short-lived. After the primaries are over and each party has selected […]